internship in spain

Our intern Lisa Nam finished her adventure/우리 인턴 리사 남은 그녀의 모험을 마쳤습니다

During these 5 months we have seen her judging tapas at the Tapas Competiton of  Fuensaldaña, enjoying the city of Segovia, singing and playing the guitar, visiting a ham factory and a pork farm and learning in two great Spanish restaurants. She always had a smile on her face and we have seen her learning and [...]

Internship at La Botica, Matapozuelos, Spain

Desde e-Spain queremos que nuestros alumnos tengan una experiencia única y  diferente. Sabemos que esta etapa de formación marcará su vida a nivel personal y profesional. En lugares como el Restaurante La Botica en Matapozuelos sabemos que son el destino perfecto para aprender como personas y como profesionales. Gustavo termina su etapa de formación con [...]

2018-05-16T07:51:44+02:00May 12th, 2018|Castilla y León, Culinary Program, internship, spain|

Intern in some of the best restaurants in Spain

Our interns have the opportunity to learn in some of the best restaurants in Spain. This is the case of Dhani, a Swedish student born in the Philippines who has had the opportunity to learn with Chef Miguel Angel de la Cruz at La Botica. In this video you can see that La Botica is [...]

2018-03-27T15:02:02+02:00March 27th, 2018|Castilla y León, Culinary Program, internship|

Visit to the foie gras producer Selectos de Castilla

e-Spain gives the opportunity to their interns to immerse in the gourmet products production. Today our group of future chefs from Sweden and Puerto Rico visited with us the farm of Selectos de Castilla one of the top and more serious producers of foie gras in Spain. A great opportunity to understand and learn about [...]

2018-02-26T22:01:36+01:00February 26th, 2018|Castilla y León, internship|
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