Yearly Archives: 2018


Desde e-Spain estamos orgullosos de haber organizado, junto a  Iginite Colleges y con la colaboración del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, el I Concurso de Tapas de Oceanía, con un éxito absoluto y catorce cocineros representando algunos de los mejores restaurantes del continente. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: 3º      Clasificado Chef Filipino Greg Singian de Milenimum [...]

Intern from South Korea, Lisa Nam, jury member at a Tapas Competition

Our intern Lisa Nam from South Korea has participated as a jury member in the 11th Tapas Competition of Fuensaldaña, a village 7 kms away from Valladolid. This is the first time the an international member joins the jury. Lisa Nam did a great jog showing her professionalism when judging the 7 different tapas that [...]

2018-09-18T15:09:10+02:00September 18th, 2018|Competition, Culinary Program, internship, spain, Tapas, valladolid|

Our intern Aislinn, from Seattle, USA, finished her internship, congratulations!

Our intern Aislinn from Seattle,US, has finished her internship successfully . She was 4 months doing an amazing job with Chef Miguel Angel de la Cruz (One Michelin star) at La Botica Restaurant. We wish her the best for her new projects and his future career looking forward to see her success very soon! We [...]

2018-09-18T14:52:30+02:00September 18th, 2018|internship, spain|


After the success of the 2017 and 2018 edition, our summer program is ready! A unique opportunity for students, graduates and professionals who want to make an internship of 4, 6 or 8 weeks this summer. With three options: tapas, restaurant with Michelin star or pastry, our program offers a complete experience that you cannot [...]

2018-09-18T16:38:59+02:00September 9th, 2018|Culinary Program, internship, Summer program|

PALACIOS DEL VINO, BURGOS 6 al 9 de Septiembre

Si eres amante del vino...  no te puedes perder el evento del año!!! 38 bodegas, siete Denominaciones de Origen.... los mejores vinos de Castilla y León al alcance de tu copa en edificios históricos de la ciudad de Burgos. Del 6 al 9 de Septiembre.   If you are a wine lover ... you can´t [...]

2018-08-25T10:56:13+02:00August 24th, 2018|Castilla y León, Wine Program, Wines Spain|

환영하다. Welcome!!!!

우리는 처음으로 두 명의 한국 학생들을 환영하게되어 자랑 스럽습니다. 우리 문화와 우리의 요리법을 배우기 위해 6 개월. 환영합니다! We are proud to host our first two students from South Korea. For the next 6 months they will learn about our culture and our gastronomy. Welcome!!!  

Testimonial La Botica Restaurant, Matapozuelos, Spain

Gustavo, one of the e-Spain interns shares with you his experience at La Botica, a one Michelin star restaurant, located in Valladolid, Spain. We, at e-Spain are truly proud to see the evolution of our interns. they will soon be the leaders of the culinary world in their own countries. this is what make us [...]

2018-06-02T14:00:55+02:00June 1st, 2018|Castilla y León, Culinary Program, internship|

Orestes has completed his 9 months internship!

Our intern Orestes has finished his internship. He was 9 months with us learning about the local elegant cuisine of Chef Miguel Angel de la Cruz (One Michelin star). After 4,5 months he moved to Asturias, where his roots are from, to be part of Nacho Manzano´s team (2 Michelin stars). Nine months where he showed [...]

2018-05-31T18:32:43+02:00May 24th, 2018|Culinary Program, internship, spain|

Internship at La Botica, Matapozuelos, Spain

Desde e-Spain queremos que nuestros alumnos tengan una experiencia única y  diferente. Sabemos que esta etapa de formación marcará su vida a nivel personal y profesional. En lugares como el Restaurante La Botica en Matapozuelos sabemos que son el destino perfecto para aprender como personas y como profesionales. Gustavo termina su etapa de formación con [...]

2018-05-16T07:51:44+02:00May 12th, 2018|Castilla y León, Culinary Program, internship, spain|

We provide unique cultural experiences in Spain & Portugal

Nothing is more spectacular than a field day in a dehesa. To learn about the bulls with one of the great bullfighters ofSpain. Enjoy the culture and art of the fighting bull, the history and the animals in the field while sharing with friends. A unique culture that has influenced writers, painters and artists from [...]

2018-04-30T14:14:15+02:00April 30th, 2018|Castilla y León, gastronomy cultural trips, spain|
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