gastronomy cultural trips

Gran artículo de El Nuevo Herald sobre España, Valladolid y las tapas/great article about the Tapas at the New Herald

Gran artículo de la periodista Ana Lucía Ortega sobre el concurso mundial de tapas y las tapas en Valladolid y España. Puedes ver el artículo completo en este enlace: Tapas El nuevo Herald Great article by journalist Ana Lucía Ortega from Miami Herald you can read it at this link Miami Herald tapas


Our friends from winetrailtraveler, Terry & Kathy Sullivan, wrote this article about their experience with us in Portugal. You can also find the different articles about every visit at Portugal Wine Tour   Great couple, amazing professionals, and good friends that we were lucky to share the trip with and learn from them. We hope to [...]

We provide unique cultural experiences in Spain & Portugal

Nothing is more spectacular than a field day in a dehesa. To learn about the bulls with one of the great bullfighters ofSpain. Enjoy the culture and art of the fighting bull, the history and the animals in the field while sharing with friends. A unique culture that has influenced writers, painters and artists from [...]

2018-04-30T14:14:15+02:00April 30th, 2018|Castilla y León, gastronomy cultural trips, spain|
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